Protecting Your Smart Devices from Hacking: What You Need to Know

September 27, 2024
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Your home is like a futuristic world. But when cameras may be hacked to spy on us, microphones interfere with lasers, and even the most complex security system is at the mercy of a smart plug, you may harbor some concerns about linking your house to the web.

That’s why, while it’s necessary to stay cautious when it comes to smart home devices, there’s no need to reject their usage entirely. Hence the key is to know and appreciate the risks and take benefits of the security features that are available. From owning a fully calibrated smart kitchen of utensils to owning a single voice assistant to speak with, here are steps no one will take to tamper with your items.

Safeguarding Your Smart Devices

Understand Your Smart Home Devices and Their Vulnerabilities

The first measure to prevent hacking in smart home technology is to recognize which devices are capable of connecting to the internet and if there is a necessity or want to connect such devices. You will also need to determine what security options are possible for a particular device before buying this device or simply connecting it to your home network.

For instance, if your smart speaker is connected to your Wi-Fi router, which in turn is connected to your smart TV, video doorbell, and thermostat, then any of these can transfer vulnerability to another. If one of them is hacked, other items might be affected by the hack. This means you will require robust IoT security for your home to secure not only one gadget but also other smart devices you possess.

Understand Your Smart Home Devices and Their Vulnerabilities

Use Only Reputable Smart Home Technology Brands

Some of the smart home technologies are on the higher side, and for most of us, the moment this happens, it becomes easy to let loose and go for cheap products. It is always advisable to weigh your options, and you should be aware that selecting the lowest prices comes with other risks. You might think that brand names usually have additional incentives to shield their image, which could imply that they care about security. Looking at it, even brand names can be hacked, though the impact might be insignificant.

When selecting your smart device, always check if it receives a standard software and security update and what its privacy policy is regarding personal data capture with IoT for seniors. Think about using customer reviews and looking for information on specific consumer protection websites.

Protect your Wi-Fi Network

When you are connecting your Wi-Fi router or if you are still using the default settings for your router, it is recommended that you ensure that you create a very hard and different password for your Wi-Fi network. The password you get by default – for instance, the one written on the sticker on your router or provided by your ISP – may be the weak one. Select a password that is not used on the other devices, and do not use it for any other network. You should also utilize WPA2 encryption (which can be set up in your router) and turn on any firewall that is present.

You can also consult the user manual provided to you by the manufacturer of your Wi-Fi router at the time of purchase for further instructions for home WiFi troubleshooting. For further information about your router aside from product information, visit the manufacturer’s website for assistance. The official website of your service provider could also perhaps be helpful.

Moreover, it is also advised to contact your service provider or router manufacturer for instructions on updating your router to the latest security patches.

Protect your Wi-Fi Network

Use Unique Passwords for Everything

Thus, more than having a unique password for the network might be required to protect the devices. It is advisable to have different unique passwords for all your gadgets, and each password should only apply to the specific product in use. It is also important to change these passwords at least once every few months.

Also, consider turning on multiple-factor authentication. This often involves the use of a code that is sent to the user via SMS, email, or even an application on their device. Further, you may need a reliable, secure and user-friendly password keeper for managing your login details on all your devices. A password manager is an encrypted digital safe that holds website credentials you use to log in to your accounts. This can also generate strong passwords for you to avoid the use of the same password on your devices and services and is yet another measure you can take to protect your passwords.

Secure your Smart Home Devices

Using distinctive passwords is more than just a way to secure your devices. Consider opting for the privacy settings for every device to ensure that you have the topmost security options. It would help if you disabled remote access as you get there. Furthermore, try considering disabling the WiFi on the devices that can be selected not to use them as smart devices.

Lastly, it is essential to stay meticulous about managing and using smart home technology. Accessing your video doorbells or security system while connecting to a public network can often place your whole home at risk. It is recommended not to access devices across an unprotected and open network. Try using your hotspot along with a VPN app to safeguard yourself from opening such connections.

Secure your Smart Home Devices


Following the appropriate security measures, smart home devices are often convenient and safe additions to your household. Consider the constant evolution of security risks, as it is essential to manage and update the security of all your smart devices with your home network. It becomes impossible to remove the risk of a data breach by following the security measures that can retain the safety of your information on a smart device.