
Category: Computers

Cyberbullying: How to Avoid It and Handle It Safely Online

May 20, 2024
Comment seo

Something almost every one of us must have experienced either at school, college, or the workplace is bullying. It is really harmful to a person’s physical and mental health and affects society as a whole. Earlier, bullying used to take place in person, but it has made its way to the internet. Most of us…

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What is Cloud Data Protection? Best Methods, Obstacles, and Rewards

May 8, 2024
Comment seo

Cloud computing has become a core necessity for businesses that wish to make their business processes extremely efficient. The greater scalability and flexibility of the cloud come with numerous perks; however, migrating to the cloud arrives with its own set of challenges. After knowing what is the cloud, it is essential to note that it…

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Cybersecurity and Quantum Computing: How to Take Advantage of Opportunities and Avoid Risks

March 11, 2024
Comment seo

As we enter 2024, the entire cyber security space will encounter a transformative change—one that will reshape each fabrication of data protection and encryption. Here comes quantum computing. Quantum computing is computer science using the principles and methodologies of quantum theory. The theory explains the impact of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic…

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Six Signs Your Computer Needs Professional Support And How To Recognize Them

August 4, 2023
Comment admin

Today, we’re diving into the world of computers. This frontier has become an integral part of our lives, especially for us older folks. Whether we’re using it to connect with loved ones, explore the web for exciting news, or tackle some good ol’ online shopping, our trusty computer has our backs. But just like a…

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Used vs. Refurbished Laptops: Which One Is The Best Option For You?

July 13, 2023
Comment admin

When buying a laptop, several options are available in the market. Among them, two popular choices are used and refurbished laptops. Both offer potential cost savings compared to buying brand new, but they differ in terms of condition, warranty, and overall value. This blog post will explore the differences between used and refurbished laptops and help…

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Should I Upgrade My Mac to macOS Monterey?

April 15, 2022
Comment admin

Apple has always been keen to explore new things and bring a better experience for their customers; macOS Big Sur is an amazing example of it. Following the same footsteps, Apple has now upgraded its operating system to macOS Monterey. We have received multiple queries asking whether it is worth to switching to macOS Monterey…

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8 Essential Factors to Consider When Buying a Laptop

March 4, 2022
Comment admin

With the rise in digitization, a laptop is no more a luxury. It has become an essential product. However, the range of brands, their offerings, different specifications, and a lot more is enough to make you crazy if you are not familiar with their uses. No matter whether you are planning to buy a laptop…

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PC vs Mac: Which One Is the Best For Me?

February 22, 2022
Comment admin

From remote tech support to a fast-running CPU, there are a million and one things to consider when buying a new computer. Choosing between Mac and PC is not an easy decision, unfortunately. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and a huge following. You might even believe Mac and PC are the same thing, while they…

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Why You Should Use a Password Keeper

May 18, 2020
Comment Chloe

Discover why you should use a password keeper In 2018, 14.3% of the retail purchases in the United States were made over the internet and is increasing by almost 15% every year.  This involved signing on to the websites and leaving credit card or bank account information. These same institutions are now encouraging their customers…

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Solve Common Computer Tech Support Problems Yourself

May 6, 2020
Comment Chloe

Wherever you are, be it at the office or at the home, you will have to deal with troubleshooting a computer at some point in your life – and this is a reality you cannot escape from. For many people, computers are a mystery, and they only have just enough mastery to operate it –…

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