Blue light that come from our devices are in much shorter frequencies than those we experience from the sun since they are designed to project bright light. These lights are interpreted by the mind as daylight signals. It is this that causes blue light to affect your sleep, or is it? Keep reading to learn about whether blue lights from your cell phone, tablet, or other electronic device are affecting your sleep and if so, how you can stop it from happening.
So, does blue light from our devices mess with your sleep? Or is that a myth?
Here are a few factors that show us blue lights to slow down our sleep but not by much as we are about to find out:
Blue Light Affects Melatonin Production
Blue light tells the area of your brain to shut off Melatonin production. Melatonin is released to help your body sleep and in this way, blue light inhibits sleep.
Blue Light Affects Your Circadian Rhythm
The Blue light mimics the light of day so when you use devices at night, you may affect your Circadian rhythms. This leads to higher risk of developing diseases like heart attack, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and others.
Lack of Sleep Caused by Blue Light Disruptions is Harmful
If blue lights are affecting your sleep pattern, you also may not get enough sleep. This can lead to depression, mood problems, anxiety, and increased accidents from lack of coordination or balance.
Can Blue Light Damage Your Eye?
The leading cause of long-term eye damage is macular degeneration, which is age-related, and cataracts and blindness, which can be caused by many things. It is not believed that the blue light from your device will damage your eye, though the blue light from LED light bulbs can be harmful. These are harsher.
What You Can Do to Make Sure Blue Light is Not Affecting You
Here are a few ways to make the blue lights from your devices work so you can ensure better or more fulfilling sleep at night and long-term health of your body, mind, and eyes 🤓.
The conclusion to this is, YES, the blue light from our devices are not good, but they are not as bad as LED lights or the sun. Using the apps on your devices to filter the blue lights will help, as will taking a break from your devices before bedtime or wearing special sunglasses to eliminate blue lights.
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