
iOS 18: What to Expect from Apple’s Biggest AI Update

March 27, 2024
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Apple is all set for the upcoming major update to their mobile operating system or iOS 18 all set to launch. The update reportedly includes numerous new artificial intelligence, or AI, features boosting the functionality and user experience of numerous apps and services.

Bloomberg noted that Apple is considering the iOS 18 being one of the major updates focusing solely on AI. The firm is developing its large language model or LLM system, AppleGPT, that understands and generates natural language. AppleGPT is based on  Ajax, a common framework created by Apply in 2022 unifying the machine-learning projects across different platforms.

Apple is set to test its AI model using the ChatGPT API of OpenAi. It is reported by 9to5Mac that they found evidence of Apple’s AI working on iOS 17.4. ChatGPT is a renowned platform that generates engaging and realistic conversations using AI.

iOS 18 Includes New AI-enhanced Features


Siri gets Smarter With iOS 18 AI

One of the highly anticipated AI features that comes to iOS 18 is a new version of Siri, the voice assistant of Siri. Siri reportedly becomes more conversational and intelligent due to AppeGPT. Siri can start to handle intricate queries and tasks, offering highly personalized and relevant responses.

Siri helps leverage the potential of different AI platforms, such as Google’s Gemini and ChatGPT, which was launched in 2023 as a rival LLM system by Google. Gemini answers every question, writes summaries, and generates AI-based content.

Apple Music gets AI-powered Playlists

The other AI feature is rumored to arrive in iOS 18 as the latest way of creating playlists on Apple Music. Users can generate automatic playlists based on their mood, preferences, and listening history. AI even suggests songs matching the user’s taste and style.

Apple Music has come up with features like smart mixes, personalized recommendations, and spatial audio. However, the new AI features make the music streaming service highly customized and dynamic.

Pages, Keynote, and Numbers integrate AI Integration

Based on rumors, Apple’s productivity apps, Keynote, Pages, and Numbers, will get a few AI integrations in iOS 19. The AI will help users with summarization, content creation, and editing. For instance, AI will start generating headlines, bullet points, captions, and charts based on user input. It will also start summarizing longer documents, highlighting the main points, and suggesting improvements.

AI integration makes productivity apps highly user-friendly and efficient in helping users with their school and work projects.

Xcode gets AI features for Code Completion and Testing

Xcode, Apple’s development environment, creates apps for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS to benefit from the new AI features within iOS 18. AI helps developers complete code, debug, and test. AI starts generating code blocks based on the user’s intent and context. AI can test the apps, locate flaws, and suggest fixes.

The AI features for Xcode make this development process easier and faster, helping developers create better apps for Apple’s platform.

Spotlight Search gets a Generative AI Upgrade

Spotlight Search

Spotlight Search is Apple’s system-wide search feature that gets a generative AI upgrade within iOS 18. The generative AI starts performing highly challenging tasks involving flight booking, ordering food, and making reservations using natural language. The generative AI starts offering more details and options based on the user’s location and query.

Generative AI upgrade makes the Spotlight Search more versatile and powerful, offering a seamless user experience.

Apple Health and Apple Watch Incorporate an AI-Powered Wellness Coach

One of the highly innovative AI features that comes with iOS 18 is the AI-powered wellness coach that is integrated into the Apple Health and Apple Watch. The wellness coach starts monitoring the health and fitness of the user, offering personalized feedback and guidance. The wellness coach starts to motivate the user, set goals, and track the progress.

The wellness coach is a distinctive feature that distinguishes Apple Health and Apple Watch from other fitness and health apps and devices.

Messages gets New AI features for Auto-Completion, Answering, and Summarization

The default messaging apps or the Messages app will gain some fresh new AI features in iOS 18. AI starts auto-complete messages based on the typing and context of the user. AI starts to answer questions like “How are you?” or “What is the weather like?” using natural language. AI starts summarizing incoming text messages and offering the user’s main points and actions.

The iOS 18 update introduces highly enhanced AI capabilities to Messages to boost the convenience and interactivity of the messaging app and facilitate enhanced user communication.


Apple revealed details about its AI projects and abilities later that year. The recent earnings call states that Apple remains dedicated to a notable amount of resources to AI technologies and expresses this anticipation by disclosing progress throughout the year.

Apple is known for its innovation and secrecy, and it has a few surprises in store for its customers. iOS 18 is one of the most impressive and exciting updates, with a host of new AI features that make Apple’s devices and services smarter and better.