The modern home is rapidly shifting or has already shifted into a smart home with a network of devices at its center. Alas, along with these opportunities, new threats appear, which, if not countered, can harm your family and property. Securing the smart home must balance technological and physical ways of protecting such a home.…
View MoreDiscover why you should use a password keeper In 2018, 14.3% of the retail purchases in the United States were made over the internet and is increasing by almost 15% every year. This involved signing on to the websites and leaving credit card or bank account information. These same institutions are now encouraging their customers…
View MoreLike many innovations, Apple Inc. can add the introduction of the iCloud to its many list of achievements. Launched eight years ago, the iCloud had an estimated 850 million users worldwide by the end of 2018 and shows no sign of slowing down. So, what is the iCloud? Basically, it’s online storage. Information storage. Picture…
View MoreCyber security is something we should all learn and practice regardless of our age. However, seniors as a demographic should be particularly aware of cyber security. This is because seniors are specifically vulnerable to Internet scams and malware attacks. It is more important than ever for seniors to educate themselves about maintaining healthy cyber security.…
View MoreScientific American reports a University of California, Los Angeles, study that suggests the older you get the more likely you are to trust a stranger. This is just one of many reasons that the elderly are acutely vulnerable to scams. This vulnerability is made worse by seniors’ isolation and lack of tech-savvy. A key to…
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