
Tag: VPN

Reasons Your VPN Might Not Be As Safe As It Says

June 18, 2024
Comment seo

As users all around the globe navigate the never-ending world of the internet, online security and privacy become really important. Many people have started using Virtual Private Networks or VPN when surfing the internet for this. There are more than 1.5 billion VPN users worldwide, and its global market has grown over $40 Billion currently.…

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Online Protection: 10 Things You Can Do to Beef Up Your Cybersecurity

February 3, 2022
Comment admin

Cybersecurity is vital and yet, it’s easy to neglect it. With the expansion of the internet, it has become a playground for hackers and scammers and it’s more important than ever to stay safe while online. Cyber-attacks aren’t just aimed at corporations, anyone can be targeted – even you – and come in many forms.…

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What is a VPN And Do I Need One?

December 27, 2021
Comment admin

Did you know, iPhone setup could allow you to securely search the web via a virtual private network? Hackers, scammers, and even governments, are getting smarter when it comes to looking over your shoulder while surfing the web. You aren’t just worried about your financial payment information or keeping it safe, it’s about not having…

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