“Wait, let me take a selfie…” It͛’s a song, seriously. We live in an age of instant gratification and of sharing every moment that happens to us, and selfies for days. Many people will take about 10 of them (if not more) and then post only the one that looks the best. Now there are many who also could care less about how ͚perfect͛ the scene is and just that they are being real and those that enjoy looking at those ones. Then there is the other group that lives and breathes selfie-taking like it͛s a job. But how do you really take a good one? Is there a science behind it? Of course, there are fabulous tips, and here are some of them to upgrade your selfie game.
Outdoors? Have the Sun Behind You
Most think that the sun on your face gives you a fabulous sun-kissed glow for your selfies. You know, good lighting. But it͛s actually the opposite. Instead of facing the sun, giving yourself wrinkles trying not to squint but squinting anyway, you should have the sun behind you. The idea behind this is that you aren͛t squinting, and also you have a glow to you with the sun in the background. It will work wonders.
Mirror Selfie…Because we All Do It
Natural light or light yourself from the front. The natural light is the best. Plus you can see yourself, check your angles while you are there, and also the lighting and depend if it’s a cool light or a warm light, you can decide to go elsewhere. And as a side note, just clean the mirror. 🙂
Tilt Your Head
Not falling off your neck kind of thing, but a soft tilt. It brings out your bone structure and makes you look cute all at the same time (not that you aren͛t already cute). But just a little tilt could make all the difference.
Have a Pose
Just like you have a signature style you should also have a pose that works for you too. Everyone has one. I look at my photos and I have the same expression in all of them. It͛s because I know what works and you should as well. Find your signature pose and rock it.
Have an Accessory
This can be anything, a cool mug, sunglasses or a hat, or your cute pet. Just play with it. Sometimes a hat makes all the difference then you can place a fun hashtag next to it as well and play off the accessory you decide to add. Whatever is fun.
A Selfie Doesn’t Have to Be Your Face
You might think this is crazy, but a selfie is any picture of you, that you took. So focus on the fun stuff, you just got a new pair of shoes, take the picture, a new tattoo, put it out there, but as long as you did it, it͛s still you.
Lastly…Be Unequivocally You
Just because everyone else is doing the duck face doesn͛t mean you have to. The happier you are, the more you feel the better your photo will come out. Pretending to be someone else will make you take a million of them before choosing the right one, but if you are just you, own it and post it.
I’m a Nerd and very proud of it! I love to write about anything Tech related. Subscribe to our blog for helpful tips, tricks & news.