
7 Ways that Technology is Changing our Classrooms

December 1, 2017
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Technology in our classrooms is changing every year, as more up-to-date computers become available. We may realize that how we learned when we were younger is no longer how our children and grandchildren are being taught. Technology is changing every day as our children and grandchildren learn, so do we. This is especially true as we help our children with their homework. Here are seven different ways technology has changed the classroom and the way that children learn.

Expanding Audience- first it was the teacher and students, now its blogging, Facebook, the world

  1. Poster boards- those are gone now they have Glogster to create multimedia
  2. Interactive textbooks- you can get animations, video’s and other materials
  3. IPad- helps students with special needs and autism learn more
  4. Research- research is more online now instead of libraries
  5. All children are learning now- with the help of technology all children need are met
  6. Better communication- children with language problems or special needs children have gotten help with voice recognition software

As you can see from the time we were children, teachers and students have gone through a massive change with no technology or very little to everything.

The good of learning with the help of technology
This list of reasons why technology is good for our students and for our teachers

  1. Different learning styles from around the world can be incorporated into teaching.
  2. Students can interact with other classmates, encouraging more friendships.
  3. Students get prepared for the real world as we become more dependent on technology.
  4. Keeps students more interested in learning, making it easier for them to learn.
  5. Having access to more e-books, Digital textbooks, and it’s cheaper than paying for books.

The bad of having more technology
Here are some of the reasons technology is bad for our students

  1. Change the way children think- changes the way the brain works
  2. Children’s feelings-cannot pick up on children’s feelings
  3. Children’s privacy- sex crimes, nude pictures, and bullies
  4. A chance of becoming obese- always on electronics, not enough time moving around

The things we can do to teach children about technology
Here are some ways teachers and parents can teach our children the right way to use technology and help with other issues technology causes

  1. Make students take time for old time schoolwork
  2. Teach the dangers of sexting or bullying
  3. Make sure to have some fun classwork outside or walking the halls
  4. Get the parents involved with the students so parents know what’s going on
  5. Homework make it something that has old time books or outside stuff at home

Technology is ever growing we must grow with it and teach our children the best way to use it. Teachers and parents alike talk to them about the dangers and the great stuff that comes with technology. Always listen to your students and the parents’ concerns are technology.