The Best Streaming Devices to Pick From!

April 23, 2020
Comment Chloe

Discover the best streaming devices available out there that you can pick from!

If you’ve been using cable to access your favorite TV channels, you’ve probably been paying close to $100 per month.  One of the ways to forever eliminate these charges is by investing in a streaming device that is available at the nearest electronic store.  With one of these devices, plus the internet, you can watch as much TV as you want. Before you go, it’s a good idea to understand what type of TV equipment you have and what TV channels you really want to watch. Note that local TV channels will be sacrificed using the internet-based entertainment.

You’ll find there are not only four or five excellent brands to choose from but that each brand manufactures several levels of devices that provide more choices but at a higher price.  So, which one do you choose?

Apple TV

Considered the Cadillac streaming device on the market.  It’s the only device that supports Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision, which happen to be the viewing standards in streaming technology.  If you have Apple devices like the Mac, or the iPhones, this device offers additional features. The iPhones can be used as remotes and game controllers and the Siri feature on your phone allows you to simply tell the TV what you want it to do.  On the downside, if you have an Android phone, these functions are absent. If you purchase your TV shows from the Google Play Store, they will not be compatible with Apple TV which only supports shows purchased through the iTunes store.

Amazon Firestick

There are several models of the Firestick available.  For only $35, the Firestick device offers the most bang for the buck with Alexa voice recognition and supporting Dolby Vision.  It’s simple to set up and easy to operate. It supports Amazon Prime, Netflix, Pandora, Hulu, and HBO. It does not support Google Play Movies.

Google Chromecast

This is Google’s answer to Apple TV.  This device is designed to function with the Android phone in the same way that the Apple TV functions with the iPhone.  There are very few apps for the iPhones or Mac with this device. It also does not support shows purchased with iTunes but will stream TV productions sold by Google Play Store.


There are three models, each with more functionality than the previous model, ranging from $33 to $99.  This has been around since 2008 and has a solid track record. The device will support both Android and Apple iPhones.  It has a dual core processor making it very powerful and it interfaces with external speakers and stereo. Its price is a little higher but it has more potential than some of its competitors.

Bottom Line

A streaming device is definitely the way to go.  Cable companies and cable service are going to be obsolete in a few years.  A streaming device, at most, will cost the same as one month’s cable TV service.  The selection of which one is dependent on the individual’s unique circumstances. What other equipment i.e. phones and computers will the streaming device interface with?  What TV shows will be watched? Once these questions are answered, the best choice will be readily apparent.