Humans have this deep-rooted ambition within us: we desire a life full of convenience. A life where we simply imagine and things get done. While that is a little far-fetched at the moment, we do have voice assistants that can somewhat give us a glimpse of that future. Ask them to turn on the lights or play music, and they’ll happily oblige. However, things are rarely as straightforward as that. With voice assistants, a major concern is privacy. Are they listening to us when we don’t want them to? How do we really strike the right balance between convenience and our own privacy? Let’s find out.
Voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Samsung’s Bixby are designed to wake up after hearing a specific “wake word,” activating only when they hear that word. However, that begs the question: if they are only listening for words after the wake word, how do they listen for the wake word?
Well, it’s a bit more complex than that. Simply put, they’re always listening, but they aren’t always storing or processing this information. For example, Alexa is always listening for the wake word, and only the things spoken after the wake word are processed by it and sent to a server, where it derives its responses.
Unfortunately, though, instances have emerged where these devices were accused of recording conversations without the user’s consent. For example, just recently, Apple agreed to a massive $95 million settlement over claims that Siri eavesdropped on users’ conversations without their consent.
Issues like these have manufactured a massive paranoia among users who are now raising questions about who has access to these recordings and how they might be used. A study from Accenture UK found that 41% of voice assistant users are concerned about “who is listening” and how their data is utilised.
Voice assistants integrate with smart home devices—such as smart locks, thermostats, and lighting systems—and essentially automate or allow voice control of your entire home. You stay under the sheets and ask the lights to be turned off. If your friend is visiting and you aren’t home, with smart locks, you can give them access. The benefits of voice assistants are manifold, and letting go of them isn’t particularly easy once you’re used to them. However, there are ways to balance security with convenience.
In order to reap the full benefits of voice assistants without the ever-looming sense of privacy invasion, here’s what you can do:
Your home network should be using a strong and unique password (your name or address, unfortunately, isn’t a strong password). Also, ensure the router is set to WPA3 encryption as most routers nowadays come equipped with it. That isn’t it though, passwords must also be updated regularly. Every couple of months should be plenty.
Two-factor authentication must be activated on your accounts that are linked to your voice assistant to add an extra layer of safety beyond just a password. It is literally being “doubly sure”.
The practice of skipping over important information, like terms and conditions, ought not to be clarified. Whenever you set up smart home devices or voice assistants, take a look at the privacy settings and information they’re requesting access to. Limit data collection to only what is necessary and disable features you don’t use. After all, a random smart light shouldn’t be asking for access to your contacts. Remember, online data protection is a proactive effort.
Software updates are necessary as they often contain, not just new features, but patches that address known security issues. Ensure that devices like smart locks and others have the latest firmware.
If you’re uncertain about how to go about setting up your smart home devices or online data protection, the best course of action is to seek professional tech support services. They can set up your devices with the utmost security possible, granting only the necessary permissions as well as clarifying any doubts you may have, ensuring your devices are both working and secure.
Voice assistants have undeniably changed the way we interact with technology, and they are, we make the calculated assumption, here to stay. It is tough to beat that level of unprecedented convenience and control. However, this convenience must be balanced with a conscious effort to protect our privacy and security. So, as users, we must implement all the security measures we can, stay informed about the potential risks and current threats, and utilize professional tech support services when necessary. Remember, the key to balancing convenience with security lies in the proactive and informed management of your digital devices.
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