
Apple HomePod Vs Alexa

July 30, 2018
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It seems now that a lot of tech companies are coming out with the latest piece of technology: a speaker that you can talk to around the house. Amazon launched one of their own called Alexa, but Apple was quick to follow it with it’s latest product, the HomePod. In this post, we’ll be taking…

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The best app for driving directions (Google, Apple or Waze)

July 27, 2018
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The world of navigation apps has evolved many times. From times where we had road maps, that soon changed to us printing directions out, we’ve changed once more to navigation apps. Ever since we started to use navigation apps the real question now has changed to “ which navigation app is better?” Today we’ll be looking…

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Ring doorbell vs Doorbell by Nest

July 20, 2018
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The traditional doorbell has been around for many decades and though they have many helpful uses, the doorbell industry has evolved significantly since then. My, just by looking at doorbells by Nest you can see a huge difference in what doorbells can offer these days compared to the traditional doorbell. Below is a small list…

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7 Rumors About the Next iPhone

July 12, 2018
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The iPhone X was only released within the last year, but even so, there are plenty of rumours floating around about the next model (or potentially models, plural) of the world’s most popular smart-phone brand. In this article, we’re going to briefly discuss seven rumours about the next iPhone that are currently circulating both online and in…

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Is the Mac Mini worth It?

June 20, 2018
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Mac Mini was first launched in 2014. It is already 2018 and until today, there are people hoping that a new version will be released in 2018. Apple hasn’t said anything about it and last year came and went without any clear answers. What is Mac Mini? Apple says that this device is “mini in a massive…

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7 things you can do with your Alexa

June 14, 2018
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With “tens of millions” of people purchasing Amazon’s Echo (aka Alexa) over Christmas last year, those individuals got to experience what Amazon’s Echo can do for the first time. These days it’s known as Alexa because the main function is the virtual assistant feature Amazon Echo has. Through this feature, you will be talking to a woman by the…

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The Seven Best Learning Apps For Children

June 7, 2018
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As a home-schooling family, we’re grateful that the days of stodgy old textbooks are gone and that an age of technology has ushered in a new way to learn (even if the parents have to ask their children to show them how it works first). A short survey of the apps available to us revealed…

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Should I Upgrade To The New Apple Watch

May 30, 2018
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There’s no denying the popularity and utility of Apple’s original smart-watches; they allowed iPhone users to manage messages and calls even without their phones physically with them, and the 2nd iteration was even designed to be an effective fitness tracker as well; it was even waterproof, a quality that is hard to come by in regards to tech…

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Should I Install Smart Lights In My Home?

May 22, 2018
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It’s now easy to command light to be, and it will be. That’s how powerful smart lights have made us become. Smart lighting is one of the easiest ways to start if you want to dip your toe into the world of smart home tech. They have LED light bulbs that can be controlled using a smartphone, tablet, or…

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How To Find The Best Local Tech Help Company

May 17, 2018
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Whether you need help with your TV, wi-fi, computer, or smartphone, everyone needs a bit of tech support at various points in their life today. But how you go about it can vary on a number of things. So how can you find the best kind of tech support in your area? To be honest,…

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