Discover the best 4k TVs that will make your movie night fantastic! Whether it’s a family movie night or you’re watching a movie by yourself, you need an excellent functioning TV, at least if you want to make the most out of your movie night. Maybe you can get away with using that dusty attic…
View MoreImagine being able to download an entire HD movie in under a second. Imagine playing Fortnite with no lag. Imagine driving a car or flying a drone with a headset. After nearly a decade in the making, 5G is finally becoming an actuality. The new generation of wireless technology is almost here, and with it…
View MoreBoth WiFi and Bluetooth are easy-to use technologies that have become integral to our everyday life. Each technology differs in their design and purpose. Which one we use is dependent upon our device’s specifications. There can be confusion among some users as to the exact differences between the two and how they are used. The…
View MoreAs our homes — our inner sanctums — become “smarter”, our lives become increasingly catalogued by our devices. Revelations about how Amazon and Google may be capturing our voices and personal data from virtual assistants continue to be the subject of controversy. Alexa and Google Home have been accused of being Trojan horses that spy…
View MoreTablets have been becoming more and more popular, but have they replaced the traditional Laptop? Still confused about whether to choose a laptop or tablet. This depends on your personal needs. Let’s break down some of the differences between the two. Usage Do you tend to just watch videos or series and movies, shop online…
View MoreEnabling Skills for Alexa is incredibly simple and opens up a whole new range of capabilities. That being said, there are currently over one thousand and five hundred skills available for activation. And with so many to choose from, how do you decide which ones to enable? In this article, we’re going to give you…
View MoreThe traditional doorbell has been around for many decades and though they have many helpful uses, the doorbell industry has evolved significantly since then. My, just by looking at doorbells by Nest you can see a huge difference in what doorbells can offer these days compared to the traditional doorbell. Below is a small list…
View MoreParenting is hard, especially when you are dealing with a brand-new baby for the first time. Or worse still, a brand-new baby plus a toddler or two. Every parent wants to react to every whim and fancy of their baby as quickly as possible, but man does that get exhausting. Luckily technology can make life…
View MoreThe 2010s is the age of the virtual assistant and every operating system on smartphones have dedicated their time and effort to make sure theirs is the best one. These virtual assistants literally assist you with anything they ask you to and if they can’t, they have been known to give very sarcastic comments. However,…
View MoreSmartphones, Smart Cars and now our Homes are getting smarter. In this dynamic world, the Internet of Things or IoT, is advancing at the speed of light. The goal is to automate everything in your home so that you can control it with the tips of your fingers. This is only the beginning…everything is getting…
View MoreI’m a Nerd and very proud of it! I love to write about anything Tech related. Subscribe to our blog for helpful tips, tricks & news.