Author: Chloe

Can iPads & iPhones Get Viruses?

May 14, 2020
Comment Chloe

You’ve probably heard Apple users gloat about how their devices can’t get viruses, making them the far superior product. But how much of this is true? Can iPads and iPhones get viruses? These are secure devices but that doesn’t mean that they are completely immune from getting viruses and other malware that can be harmful…

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Why Cyber Security is Important for Seniors?

May 8, 2020
Comment Chloe

Cyber security is something we should all learn and practice regardless of our age. However, seniors as a demographic should be particularly aware of cyber security. This is because seniors are specifically vulnerable to Internet scams and malware attacks. It is more important than ever for seniors to educate themselves about maintaining healthy cyber security.…

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The Most Popular Types of Phone Scams

May 7, 2020
Comment Chloe

The Internet has opened up a new world of scamming, but phone scams are still prevalent and are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Statistics from this month, based off reports from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, suggest that the phone is still the most popular delivery method amongst scammers. Phone scams are also responsible for the…

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Solve Common Computer Tech Support Problems Yourself

May 6, 2020
Comment Chloe

Wherever you are, be it at the office or at the home, you will have to deal with troubleshooting a computer at some point in your life – and this is a reality you cannot escape from. For many people, computers are a mystery, and they only have just enough mastery to operate it –…

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Benefits of Using WiFi Calling While Abroad

May 5, 2020
Comment Chloe

If you’re preparing to jet off overseas, you know that the options for international phone services can be overwhelming and confusing. Instead of going to the trouble of buying a phone or SIM card, WiFi calling is the easiest and most cost-effective choice for wayward globetrotters.  What is WiFi calling, you might ask? WiFi calling…

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In Search Of the Best Selfie

May 4, 2020
Comment Chloe

The outfit is right, the hair is laid, and the bad eyebrow is behaving for once. It’s time to let the world know how hot you are, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll spend more time posing than primping. No worries! Read on for your foolproof guide to an Instagram-ready selfie. Shine a Light…

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Benefits of Upgrading to the New iPhone 11

May 3, 2020
Comment Chloe

With iPhone 11 hitting the market officially, you are not alone in thinking to upgrade your phone to a brand new version of Apple’s iPhone. If you are confused, this post is specially made for you to decide whether to go for this iPhone or not.  Benefits of Upgrading to the iPhone 11 Better display…

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Spotify, Pandora Or Apple Music: Which One is Better?

May 2, 2020
Comment Chloe

Pandora used to be the only player in the music streaming service field, until a few years ago. With the advent of technology, many players jumped into the market with better apps and streaming services. However, Pandora is still one of the major talked about and trustworthy streaming services to date.  In this post, we…

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Why every senior should have an Apple Watch?

May 1, 2020
Comment Chloe

At some point, as you pass through the period in life called “middle age,” someone is likely to stun you with a casual comment referring to you and your peers as “Elderly.” As in any situation in life, which is new and possibly unexpected you had better start to face a bit of reality, and…

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Why Backing Up your Computer is Important?

April 24, 2020
Comment Chloe

Discover why backing up your computer is so important! The importance of keeping backups for your PC or Mac should not be ignored at any cost. With the speed at which cyber thefts are taking place, it is always better to have duplicate copies of your system files at a remote place. If anything happened…

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